A starkly contrasting day
bright, hidden from sight
monsters of the night
a surface light, protecting
anything that may not
be right, me from speculation
I can function in that
which cannot be seen.

-L.J. Lenehan-


Sun rises; daring all to challenge the day –
Strength; is an eight letter word, that remains inanimate.
Definitions open to interpretation.
Powers of resistance; force patterns to be considered.
Consciousness; encourages truth to be spoke.
Kindness is a momentum; that can result in a gentle wind.
Strength; is a gift inside each of us –
Called ability.

– L.J. Lenehan –

Allure of the new day,
Brings obligations of expectation.
Yesterday’s heartache dissipate,
Troubles alleviate.
Promises metamorphous to ambition,
Retribution brings fruition.
Sunrise provides belief,
In what can be achieved.

– L.J. Lenehan –